Lean Manufacturing
Lean manufacturing has the proven power to transform your production efficiency. From basic Lean principles to Six Sigma certification, NH MEP offers lean training in several disciplines that give your company tangible results and a more competitive edge.

Principles of Lean Mfg.
LE102 Principles of Lean Manufacturing
LE102 is an accelerated learning workshop that conveys the benefits of using Lean in a make-to-stock production environment to achieve breakthrough business performance.

Lean Assessment
Lean Assessment
The Lean assessment tool audits the performance of lean practices which enables a business to identify lean improvements.

Lean Product Development
Lean Product Development
This workshop is designed to introduce executive managers, department heads, and employees in marketing, engineering, finance, and administration.

Lean Green and Energy
Lean Green and Energy
New Hampshire MEP’s Energy and Environmental Program targets and eliminates the root causes of energy related waste at all levels of the organization and is a key element to becoming a Next Generation Manufacturer.

Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Mapping
Value Stream Mapping is a Lean implementation event that involves creating a Value Stream Map (VSM) delineating the critical material and information flows within your value creating process.

Kaizen Rapid Improvement
Kaizen Rapid Improvement
Kaizen Rapid Improvement is a Lean implementation event that involves a series of activities which follow a structured ten-step process enabling a team to achieve rapid, action-oriented improvements identified during the Value Stream Mapping Event.

5S Basics
5S Basics
Learn the basics of how a 5S Program can improve workplace organization.

SMED Quick Changeover
SMED Quick Changeover
In today’s economy, time is money. The amount of time spent changing over a machine can be costly. That’s why a growing number of manufacturers are adopting setup reduction and quick changeover techniques.

Supply Chain Management
LE104 Supply Chain Management
LE104 is an accelerated learning workshop that conveys the benefits of using Lean Supply Chain methods to achieve breakthrough business performance.